ADB to help roll out energy savings in Samoa

Source: Pano feed

(CPV) – Replacing inefficient streetlights and installing energy efficient lamps and air conditioners in government buildings and some hotels are just some of the energy efficiency initiatives planned for Samoa as part of the Prompting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific (PEEP) project.

“In 2014, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will assist the Government of Samoa by rolling out seven energy efficiency projects which will ultimately mean big savings for public buildings, hotels, commercial buildings and the residential sector,” said Martina Tonizzo, ADB’s Project Team Leader.

The project aims to reduce energy consumption in the residential, commercial and public sectors by implementing energy efficiency measures, and to help establish policy frameworks to move Pacific Islands countries away from fossil fuel dependency.

Energy saving programs will supply up to 2,000 Samoan households with four energy efficient lamps, install efficient air conditioners in two hotels, and install efficient air conditioning technologies such as inverter air conditioners and solar hybrid systems to replace inefficient air conditioners in government buildings.

Total energy savings from these seven projects are estimated to be 899,841 kilowatt hours per year, equivalent to diesel fuel savings of 238,053 liters and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 721 tons per year.

An energy use database, energy efficiency policies and procedures are also being developed under PEEP. Information dissemination and public awareness are also key elements of the project.

Some of the energy efficiency programs of PEEP may be replicated in other Pacific countries. PEEP includes Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu.

The project is co-financed by ADB, the Governments of Australia and Japan, the Global Environment Facility and the Asian Clean Energy Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership./.

Đăng ký: VietNam News