Boycotted cancer-causing dolls sold everywhere in Vietnam

Source: Pano feed

Dolls which are created based on characters of the famous cartoon Fruity Robot have been banned from being sold across Europe, but are flooding the Vietnamese market.

The cancer-causing dolls are being massively sold in Vietnam

The cancer-causing dolls are being massively sold in Vietnam

Recently, British health agencies forced a recall of a range of dolls of this kind being sold at the local market for containing phthalates, which can also cause infertility in children, especially boys.

The brightly-coloured toys have been banned across Europe.

However, the dolls have still been sold in the markets of Vietnam. In Hanoi, the streets of Luong Van Can, Cau Giay and Hang Ma where are home to many toy shops that are full of these dolls.

The doll prices range between VND180,000 (USD8.5) and VND200,000. All the sellers know that they are from China. These toys are also sold online.

Earlier, in Vietnam, phthalates were also detected in many other Chinese toys, including plastic reindeer.

USA Today cited a report by the environmental group Greenpeace, showing that laboratory analysis of 85 samples found that some of the clothing made by two largest children wear’s production bases contained NPE, a hormone disrupter, and antimony, a chemical element used in making bullets.

China is the world’s largest garment exporter, and kids’ wear is one of its fastest growing sectors.

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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