There’s a dog training centre in Hanoi…

Source: Pano feed

(VOV) – Ricky Foresters, the 33-year-old American owner of Hanoi’s only canine obedience centre Alpha Dog, is helping the capital city’s dog owners train their beloved pets.

Ricky has earned an official US dog training certificate of accreditation. His expertise has transformed many a troublesome dog into friendlier, more cooperative companions.

“An obedient dog ‘uses the bathroom’ where it’s supposed to, does no damage to its owner’s property, barks when appropriate, heels, sits, and stays on command, and can even perform tricks. My mission involves teaching dogs and teaching people.”

Ricky’s Hanoi business grew out of the dog training coaching and advice he initially only offered friends. Word quickly spread.

As well as obedience training, Alpha Dog also has boarding facilities for when clients must leave the pets to travel. Ricky’s centre gives its boarded dogs two long walks every day and personal grooming care.

Ricky cooks for the dogs himself according to the dietary requirements of each animal. He also runs courses for fellow dog trainers wishing to improve their skills.

“Many families’ problems begin with an inappropriate choice of breed. Inexperienced owners don’t understand many of the most beautiful dogs are bred to work. They bore easily, leading to destructive behaviours.”

Ricky has trained popular breeds including German Shepards, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes. He wants to promote the benefits of positive reinforcement and emphasise physical punishment’s drawbacks.

“It’s all about teaching the dog to respect you, to recognise you as a leader—not to fear you. I teach people how to communicate with their dogs, when to reward them and when to withhold rewards.”

Ricky says dogs can understand the body language and facial expressions of a properly instructed human. Unfortunately, many owners lack this knowledge. Anger, especially during toilet training, is counterproductive. Repetition, encouragement, and rewards are far more effective.

“Repeatedly take the dog to its designated toilet area. It needs an opportunity to familiarise itself with the area’s scent and form a habit. If you’re very patient and very consistent for one week, the dog will learn to return to that area. A dog’s behaviour changes as it grows. Owners must observe and stay patient.”

Ricky has been invited to dog shows in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. His knowledge of canine behaviour and breed origins is widely admired.

“The Doberman Pinscher was bread by a tax collector named Doberman who wanted the perfect guard dog. It took him years to fine-tune the genetic mix that now bears his last name.”

Ricky’s service is famous within Hanoi’s community of dog lovers. His Alpha Dog centre has improved the lives of owners and animals alike.

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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