In general, in doing business, women usually face more difficulties than men. Apart from common difficulties like capital shortage, market information shortage, labour shortage, and changeable policies, women entrepreneurs have to bear more burdens and the heaviest is the balance of career and family affairs. How can businesswomen brilliantly and successfully demonstrate their business leadership and take thorough care of their families to have the respect of relatives, friends and society? The following stories will partially portray the secrets of balancing career and family affairs by women who successfully perform both roles.Pham Thi My Le, President of the Board of Directors of KingBee Company
A woman has to harmonise business and family responsibilities and other burdens when she wants to become a businesswoman. This is a tough way to go but perhaps most will choose to go. As the time in a day is impossibly prolonged, she must scientifically arrange her works to fulfil both roles in the day.
I am just one case like that. But, maybe, I am luckier than many as I have a sympathetic, sharing husband and supportive parents. My husband and I taught our children of self-reliance from their childhood and regarded this as a double-benefit choice: Building up the self-reliance of my children and saving our time for them. I also have to sacrifice a little to everything to keep my life more balanced. For example, instead of playing golf three times a week, I do physical practice to have more time with my children. I also reduce the time for reading novels to increase the time for reading business books. Instead of going from one shop to another to buy a thing, I will make a plan and go straight to that shop to pick it up.
Pham Thi Thanh Huong, Deputy CEO of Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment JSC (Bidiphar)
No matter what position a woman holds in society, she is a wife and a mother at home. She must fulfil his role with true love. Thus, no matter how busy I am, I will still take care of every meal and other family affairs to make my home sweet and warm where every member cares and trusts each other.
A woman must have effective family supports to be successful in the society. She must know how to make her husband and his family sympathetic and sharing when she works as a man in the society. Once doing this, her husband will share housework with her and she can reduce at least half of the work (as men are stronger and quicker, they can do more).
For my children, I always have a special care for them and pay close attention to their upbringing. I taught them of sharing with parents, independence, self-discipline and self-awareness at the early age. Indeed, parents are the true mirrors for the children to follow. Thus, I always lead an exemplary life for my children to look at.
Tran Thi Dung, Director of Tuan Dat Co., Ltd
Not a few women blame marital breakups on busy business and time shortage for family cares. But, in my opinion, being happy or unhappy depends on only us. Doing business is to earn money for the family and ensure a happy life for our children. Therefore, no matter how hard or busy I am, I always try my best to balance my business and my family care. I am lucky enough to have a sympathetic and sharing husband who all the time understands my difficulties and hardships. Being shared and sympathised, all quarrels between husband and wife can be solved and the happiness will ever last.
I always teach my children to live independently, take care of others, and share with others. For any parent, the success of children is the greatest happiness in life. Hence, I will try to educate my children in a positive way to be useful citizens and live a happy life when they are adult.
Ho Ngoc Yen Phuong, Deputy CEO of PetroVietnam Drilling & Well Service Corporation (PV Drilling)
Men hold certain advantages in the oil and gas industry, especially in PV Drilling – a technical company. I think that women must have great determination, clear objectives and persistence to achieve the objectives. They must know how to overcome challenges and even bad reputations. In fact, women possess the qualities that men hardly have like patience, persistence, endurance and adaptability. However, they have certain weaknesses like emotionalism. When they are not lucky enough, they tend to think about it too much. To balance the emotion to avoid being stressed or upset, women must have firm stuff, empowerment, love and support from their families.
Personally, I think that a businesswoman is only successful when she succeeds in her career and keeps her family happy. Therefore, I always arrange my time to be with my family and I always feel that I am lucky enough to have a happy family where I have support and encouragement. This is a great encouragement for me to devote and contribute more to PV Drilling in particular and to PetroVietnam Group in general
Đăng ký: VietNam News