Lunch Beat shakes up Ho Chi Minh City ‘work-day heroes’

Source: Pano feed

Hundreds of Vietnamese workers gathered at the office of IKEA Trading Ltd. in Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday (May 6) for Lunch Beat.

Participants ate sandwiches and danced away the lunch hour during the event organized by the Swedish Embassy in Vietnam.

Lunch Beat began in Sweden in 2010 as a way for strangers to eat together and have fun together during their one-hour break. The first gathering was held in an underground garage in Stockholm.

During the autumn of 2010, the movement continued to grow and spread to new locations.

More regular events were arranged during the spring of 2011 and the first-ever Lunch Beat held outside Stockholm took place in Malmö.

This year, movement that began in a Swedish garage has become a global lunchtime clubbing phenomenon with events in over 90 cities all over the world.

During the May 6 event, “Work-Day Heroes” all around the world were invited to eat and dance together in the middle of the day.

Lunch Beat has been given significant attention in international media, such as BBC World, Business Week, Oprah and Slate. Everyone in Sweden knows what it is.

Tu, a reporter with Phap Luat Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh Newspaper, said she felt the event, held for the first time in HCMC, offered people a nice chance to relax during lunch.

This is a good model for any office to copy because the gathering offers employees a chance to relax and get closer to one another, she said.

Lunch Beat Manifesto

1st rule: If it’s your first lunch at Lunch Beat, you have to dance.

2nd rule: If it’s your second, third or fourth time lunch at Lunch Beat, you have to dance.

3rd rule: If you are getting too tired to actually dance at Lunch Beat, please have your lunch at some other place.

4th rule: You don’t talk about your job at Lunch Beat.

5th rule: At Lunch Beat everyone present is your dance partner.

6th rule: Lunch Beat gatherings are never longer than 60 minutes and take place during “lunchtime”.

7th rule: Lunch Beat always provides guests with a DJ-set and a take-away meal.

8th rule: Water is always served during Lunch Beat for free.

9th rule: Lunch Beat is preferably a drug-free environment.

10th rule: Lunch Beat can be set up anywhere by anyone as long as they are public, non-profit directed by this manifesto.

Lunch Beat everyone is free to copy and improve.

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Minh HungThanh Nien News

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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