Đăng ký: VietNam News
(CPV) – The National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP), Ministry of Science and Technology of Viet Nam, has organized the launching in Viet Nam of the FAO/AFD project on the Promotion of Rural Development through Development of Geographical Indications at Regional Level in Asia. The launch signals Viet Nam’s emphasis on joining a growing movement among ASEAN countries seeking better recognition of the uniqueness of its food, agricultural and handicraft products. During the past decade, the interest in an enhanced protection of Geographical Indications (GI), a recognised system of certification for unique local and regional food and agricultural processes, has grown considerably worldwide particularly in Asia. In the ASEAN region alone, the number of registered Geographical Indications (GI) products now exceeds 120. Geographical Indications are developing fast, representing an important instrument for trade, rural development, protection of know-how and tradition as well as value chain development, product promotion and tourism. Viet Nam has registered 38 GIs, including Shan Tuyet Moc Chau tea, Tam Xoan Hai Hau rice and Van Yen Cinnamon, placing it second in ASEAN regarding GI registrations. Thailand has registered most GIs with 59 recognized. In cooperation with the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is partnering with the Government of France’s Agence Française du Development (AFD), in launching this project to promote rural development through the development of Geographical Indications both inside Viet Nam while accessing a platform for promotion of its products across Asia. During the three year term of the regional project, and with a budget allocated exceeding US$ 2 million, the project team, in cooperation with GI stake-holders in the four main project beneficiary countries – Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand and Viet Nam – will work closely together to further develop GI protection and promotion as well as the GI regional dynamism and awareness to fulfil the Project Overall Objective which is “to increase incomes of smallholder farmers through the development of GI value chains, improved market access and increased recognition of GI by consumers.” During the Project launching ceremony today, witnessed by numerous Viet Namese GI stake-holders and Developments partners, Mr. Ta Quang Minh, Director General of NOIP, mentioned the importance of GIs protection to the country. “As a traditional agricultural country with favourable and unique characteristics of nature and human, Viet Nam has many agricultural products with quality, reputation and economic value. The appropriate use of geographical indications will contribute to enhancing the value and competitiveness of Vietnamese agricultural products, creating more jobs and generating income for local people, making contribution to eliminating hunger and reducing poverty, as well as sustainable development in rural areas” he said. Mr Jong-Ha BAE, FAO Representative in Viet Nam emphasized that “GI is also an important tool to help local producers switch from quantitative to qualitative strategies and to increase opportunities in existing and new markets” with Mr Michel DROBNIAK, Head of the Economic Section of the French Embassy in Viet Nam adding that “Geographical Indications appear to us of particular importance, at a time where Vietnam is negotiating major free-trade agreements, among them with the European Union“. The project will leverage regional GI experiences through the facilitation of exchange of information, network creation regarding GI protection and promotion both at private and public levels which should allow for overall better protection and promotion of Viet Nam’s products in regional and international markets./. |