Japan to help cut flood risks in Chao Phraya river basin

Source: Pano feed

Đăng ký: VietNam News

(CPV) – ADB and Japan are to help communities in the flood-prone Chao PhrayaRiver Basin draw up grassroots flood risk management plans to reduce their vulnerability to natural disasters.

“The river basin bore the brunt of Thailand’s worst floods in decades in 2011 and urban and rural communities need detailed, locally-developed action plans to bolster their defenses against future floods and improve post-flood recovery efforts,” said Michael White, an ADB Urban Development Specialist. “Risk management plans which reflect the real needs of communities can significantly reduce deaths, hardship, and losses from flood disasters.”

The Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction is extending a USD2 million grant, administered by ADB, to develop community-based flood risk management plans in five communities. These include municipalities in Ayutthaya – location of the world famous UNESCO heritage site – and Nontaburi provinces. Two communities are still to be selected.

The project will be implemented by the Government’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation. It will develop short and longer term flood risk management and post-flood recovery plans with full community input to reduce risks and impacts from extreme events.

The grant will also fund small-scale improvements, such as flood barriers, dykes, drainage systems and safe evacuation shelters. The goal will be to develop effective community-driven plans which can be replicated elsewhere in the country.

The project will run for about 2 years with an expected completion date of February 2017./.

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