Coast Guard Region 2 receives third-class Fatherland Defence Order

Source: Pano feed

PANO – The Coast GuardRegion2 on December 12thheld a ceremony in Nui Thanh district of Quang Nam province to receive the third-class Fatherland Defence Orderanddecision to rename the region the Command of Coast Guard Region 2.

Maj. Gen. Hoang Van Dong (middle) presenting the order to Coast Guard Region 2 Command

Maj. Gen. Hoang Van Dong (middle) presenting the order to Coast Guard Region 2 Command

In recent years, the staff and soldiers of the command have always made effortsin overcoming difficultiesto fulfill the assigned political tasks. Theships of the command have unyieldingly struggled and dispelled more than1,300foreignshipsviolatingVietnamesewaters. The command has also inspected and arrestednineshipsviolating the laws, capturing and handed illegally-transported goods worth tens of billion Vietnam dongs to localauthorities. The drug crime prevention and suppression force of the command has collaboratedwithQuangNampoliceto break various drug trafficking and drug smuggling rings. Apart from that, the command has also joined operations and successfully rescued 10ships and86fishermenin distress atsea.

Dong Nai province presenting financial support to the command

Dong Nai province presenting financial support to the command

With these outstandingachievements,the Command of the Coast Guard Region 2andtwo ships of CSB-4032 and CSB-4033 were honorably awarded withthe third-class Fatherland Defence Order.

On this occasion, a delegationofthe provincial Party Committee and people of DongNai led byMr. NguyenPhuCuong, DeputyChairman of Dong Nai People’s Committee donated VND 1.2billionto the command.

Translated by Huu Duong

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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