Question and answer session have clarified many issues

Source: Pano feed

The Hanoitimes – This is confirmed by the Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Council Ngo Thi Doan Thanh in conclusion of question and answer session for the Commitee’s members on December 4.

City Council Chairman Ngo Thi Doan Thanh emphasized that this session of the People’s Council has spent 1 day for questioning and re-examination of the issue. Hearings have been basically completed the selection issues for questioning and re-questioning. That issues related to the environment, clean water, problems related to the management of condominiums, resettlement and urban areas. This is the second group of selected issues integrated over voters before the session, as well as through active surveillance, standing, committees, groups of deputies, integrated over the mass media channels that has mentioned. This is also the matter of interest, the practical problems with people’s lives, issues related to the management.

City Council Chairman Ngo Thi Doan Thanh concluded in the hearings

Three Vice City Chairmen and six directors of the departments joined to answer this content, involving re-examined by 32 delegates respectively.

Chairman of City Council said: We noticed hearings seriously in terms of publicity, democracy and building, gaven away in exchange information between the interrogators and delegates. Thus clarifying many issues, and consistency in assessment identified implementation issues questions, suggested some solutions, we continue to implement more efficient content in the future. The People’s Council deputies frankly goes to the heart of issues that voters care about.

Responses of the City Vice Chairman sticked contents of the questions, answered straightly and clearly. “In particular, all of the answers are solutions continuing to perform in the future and a new definition of this time, as I said this morning, we took the time to perform satisfactorily re-questioned conclusions of the 10th session under the motto, that is the same re-questioning to unravel; addressed effectively, not only to raise the issue and that desire is re-questioned, united together, to solve the problems posed, does not take much, but choosing to do definitively settle of each type of problem” – Chairman of the City Council confirmed.

By Nguyen Ngan

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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