Weak safety practices result in high job deaths

Source: Pano feed


Workplace safety remains a serious problem in Vietnam, with either companies, workers, or both ignoring government guidelines aimed at reducing job-related injuries and fatalities.

Deputy Head of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Doan Mau Diep

Doan Mau Diep, deputy head of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs said on March 3 during Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Prevention Week, that there were 6,709 workplace accidents in 2014, involving 6,941 people, or whom 630 died as a result of injuries on the job.

The accidents caused a total of VND90.78bn in damage. Mineral exploitation, construction, engineering and manufacturing industries have the highest rate of workplace fatalities, with 30.8 percent the result of falls from high places.

Of all workplace accidents, 72.7 percent were blamed on employers who did not have safety training courses, provide protection equipment for workers, or implement regulations for work safety; 13 percent of accidents were because workers ignored safety regulations.

Diep said responsible ministries needed to improve workplace accident investigation procedures, noting that of 592 fatal accidents, only 202 investigation reports had been received. Meanwhile, only 19,780 of 269,554 enterprises had filed reports about their occupational health and safety measures.

The National Assembly issued a discussion paper last November on a draft law on occupational health and safety, in line with Vietnam’s commitments to the International Labour Organisation. The government hopes to put the law into effect this year.

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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