Draft anti-terrorism law high on agenda VNTimes

@ vntimes.info

National Assembly deputies debated the draft Anti-Terrorism Law at their fifth session in Hanoi on May 21.

Legislators shared the view that it is necessary to promulgate theAnti-Terrorism Law. They also agreed with a report on adjustments to thedraft law and suggested supplementing key issues regarding articles andclauses of the document.

Many of them proposeddevising policies to encourage individuals and organisations to fightterrorism and protect relatives of those engaged in the fight, as wellas issuing reward policies for suppliers of terrorism-relatedinformation.

Regarding State agencies’responsibilities in the fight against terrorism, law-makers called forclarifying the role of the armed forces, especially border guardsoldiers. According to them, it is essential to specify theresponsibilities of the Finance Ministry, customs agencies and relevantministries and departments in their joint efforts against terrorism.

They also discussed how to tackle assets linked to funding terrorism, combating terrorism and investigations.

Also high on the agenda were the draft Law on amendments andsupplements to a Number of Articles of the Law on Fire Prevention andFighting, and the amended Laws on Valued-Added Tax and Corporate IncomeTax.

The fifth session of the 13th National Assemblybegan on May 20 with its agenda focusing on law making and issuesrelating to the implementation of the national socio-economicdevelopment plan.

During the month-longsitting, deputies will continue giving their opinions to the draftamendments to the 1992 Constitution on the basis of public feedback anddebating the draft revised Land Law.

Also during the session, legislators will conduct for the first timevotes of confidence on persons holding positions elected or approved bythe National Assembly.-VNA

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via VNTimes http://www.vntimes.info/2013/05/draft-anti-terrorism-law-high-on-agenda.html