President inspects Soc Trang’s overall development VNTimes


State President Truong Tan Sang visited the Mekong Delta province ofSoc Trang during the weekend to inspect its socio-economic developmentand responses to climate change.

During his two-day tour,President Sang had discussion with provincial leaders, during which hehailed Soc Trang’s success in maintaining stability and developmentdespite the global and domestic economic difficulties in 2012.

Out of the 26 key targets set by the Party Revolution, 22 were realisedor even surpassed. In particular, the province’s rice production was anunprecedented success with a harvest of 2.25 million tonnes.

He said that given the country’s economic difficulties, the province’sleaders need to be proactive in working out solutions to problems andhelping farmers with their harvests, goods distribution, processing andreduction of losses.

For a province with an agriculture-intensive structure, these tasks were very important, he said.

In response to the provincial report last year stating there were4,200 poor and 5,000 near poor households in the areas, he saidprovincial leaders needed to continue with measures to reduce poverty,especially among ethnic people.

Regarding the 40 percent ofcompanies reported to be either working ineffectively or having decidedto suspend operations, delayed projects involving traffic, irrigationand infrastructure, such as the Long Phu Thermal Power Plant 1 project,he requested agencies hold meetings to discuss the causes and work outsolutions.

On climate change issues, the President stressedthat Soc Trang would be among the provinces most affected by a rise insea levels.

In the face of such alarming risks, he requestedlocal State agencies to cooperate with central State agencies to workout solutions, such as engaging the private sector in investment inclimate change projects.

During the visit, the President alsomet with representatives of the provincial Patriotic Monks Society andvenerable monks from 92 local Khmer Nam Tong Buddhist Pagodas.

He reaffirmed the contributions of the Khmer people in the Mekong Deltato country’s development and expressed his hopes that local Buddhistdignitaries as well as Khmer people would continue their contributions.

He also attended the launching ceremony of the renovationproject for the Ho Chi Minh temple in An Thach Dong commune in Cu LaoDung district, a national historic heritage site.

During the tour, President Sang visited a protective forest and a shrimp farm at Trung Binh commune, Tran De district.

Heinspected the implementation of the Long Phu Thermal Power Plant 1project – the largest thermal power project in the Mekong Delta with acapacity of 1,200MW, and visited families of war soldiers.-VNA

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