Show reflects successes of Bangladesh women VNTimes


Female artists in Bangladesh today are no longer confined to theirhomes. They enjoy an equal position with male colleagues, said KanakChanpa Chakma, a painter renowned globally for her depiction of ethnicpeoples' lifestyles.

Colours across the Bengal Delta, whichopened in Hanoi on June 5, proves her point. The exhibition features30 abstract, figurative and experimental works by Chakma and four otherfemale Bangladeshi painters.

“The exhibition doesn't only depictBangladeshi culture and fine arts. It also reflects the achievements ofBangladeshi women," Chakma said.

The artists vary widely instyle. Bipasha Hayat is mainly an abstractionist, yet her compositionshave a soothing harmony. Shameem Subrana plays with vibrant colours.Maksuda Iqbal Nipa is a well-known painter of abstract oil paintings.Samina Nafies concentrates on rural pottery.

"My understanding offine arts is perhaps zero. But through the paintings, I can see the useof vibrant colours to express untold emotions, memories and forgottenwild fragrances," said Supradip Chakma , Bangladesh Ambassador toVietnam. "The painters find inspiration from the fields and mountainsof Bangladesh."

All five artists are also engaged in otherprofessional pursuits. Chakma, leader of the group, teaches at auniversity in Dhaka; Nafies is a government officer. Nipa is adirector of a paint producing company and Hayat is a well-known actress.Subrana is the curator and director of Gallery 21, which helped bringthe art to Vietnam.

The exhibition also seeks to boost the40-year bond of cultural exchange and friendship between Vietnam andBangladesh.

"We want to see Vietnamese art displayed inBangladesh and will try our best to organise exhibitions of Vietnamesepainters in our country," Chakma said.

The exhibition will run for three days at the Vietnam Exhibition for Culture and Arts, 2 Hoa Lu Street, Hanoi.-VNA

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