Some main Socio-Economic targets in the first 6 months of 2013

Source: Pano feed

Some main Socio-Economic targets in the first 6 months of 2013

No Target Currency 2013 Year-plan Estimate of the first 6 months in 2013 Comparison (%)
6 months/ same period 6 months/plan
1Gross Domestic Product (GDP)Bn VND31,264.14-31,408.2913,282.1105.7042.48
-Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery - 2,294.09 – 2,298.47 1,186.8 103.82 51.73
-Industry – Construction - 11,939.31-12,006.89 5,521.1 103.50 46.24
-Services - 17,030.74-17,102.92 6,574.2 107.97 38.60
2Index of Industrial Production (IIP)%6.5 – 7.5-3.82-
3Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Production’s Value (at constant 1994 prices)Bn VND4,607.30 -4,615.952,312.8104.7450.20
-Agriculture - 3,279.68 – 3,285.92 1,666.6 104.18 50.81
-Forestry - 24.0 12.1 101.10 50.42
-Fishery - 1,303.63 – 1,306.03 634.1 106.30 48.64
4Total Social InvestmentBn VND≥ 40,000.012,567.8101.7931.42
5Volume of cargo across sea-portsM Tonnes≥ 51.024.1899.2347.43
6Total ExportM USD3,019.24 – 3,046.021,349.2114.1244.69
7State budget revenue in areas, including:Bn VND50,040.920,033.1119.040.0
-Domestic revenue - 9,372.0 4,132.6 125.5 44.1
-Customs duty revenue - 38,845.0 15,500.0 117.5 39.9
8Number of tourists1,000 arrivals5,000.02,239.1108.4844.78
9Employed populationPersons51,00025,17199.749.3

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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