Fridge and freezer replacement program in Cook Islands to reduce energy consumption

Source: Pano feed

(CPV) – A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on early September by ADB, the Government of the Cook Islands, Motor Centre, and the Cook Islands Trading Corporation Ltd.

The MOU supports the Fridge and Freezer Replacement Program, one of several energy efficiency projects being developed and implemented under the Promoting energy efficiency in the Pacific – Phase 2 project.

The project, co-financed by ADB, the Government of Australia, the Global Environment Facility and the Asian Clean Energy Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership, aims to reduce energy consumption in the residential, commercial and public sectors through the implementation of energy efficiency measures, and to establish policy frameworks to help Cook Islands move away from fossil fuel dependency.

The Fridge and Freezer Replacement Program will encourage households to replace their old inefficient fridge/freezer (5 years or older) with high energy efficient models. The program, financed by ADB, will subsidize participating retailers in the Cook Islands, enabling them to sell new high energy efficient fridge/freezers at more affordable rates.

“It’s estimated that around 40% of household electricity costs in Cook Islands is for refrigeration, said Martina Tonizzo, Project Team Leader from ADB’s Pacific Department. “By using an energy efficient fridge, the average household would save around USD150 to USD235 per year on electricity.”

Under the program, the retailers will offer rebates of up to USD390 to customers purchasing selected high efficient fridge/freezer models, in exchange for functional low efficient fridge/freezers of similar capacity.

The fridge/freezer replacement program aims to initially cover 325 households in Cook Islands over a one year period. The switch to more energy efficient appliances is expected to reduce electricity consumption by approximately 20-30% for each participating household. This should lead to significant cost savings in household electricity bills, increased awareness of energy appliance labeling, and the benefits of using energy efficient appliances./.

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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