Vietnamese people’s jobs in 1990 by Belgian photographer

Source: Pano feed

VietNamNet Bridge – The image of a barber shop under a tree along the lake, a young girl working in a bicycle factory or coal gleaners in a photo collection by Belgian photographer John Vink are interesting, close and immersed with Vietnamese characteristics.

Photographer John Vink.

Photographer John Vink.

Photographer John Vink was born in 1948 in Belgium. He studied photography at La Cambre art school in 1968 and became a freelance journalist 3 years later. He has won several awards in the journalism career and released the book “Refugies” in 1994.

John Vink became a full member of the Magnum photo magazine in 1997. In 1993, he began writing a series of memoirs of the communities with unique cultural identities living in the mountainous region of Guatemala, Laos and the Caucasus. This collection is called ” Peuples d’ en Haut,” released in 2004.

Wishing to concentrate on one country instead of continuously moving, John Vink decided to live and work in Cambodia since 2000. Here, went deep inside many social, land issues and the Khmer Rouge trial.

In 1990, John Vink came to Vietnam and captured the idyllic image of the country and people in the places he passed. The special thing in this photo shoot is that the Belgian photographer focused on the job of ordinary people living in many different areas.

Selling lottery in the Old Quarter of Hanoi.

Selling lottery in the Old Quarter of Hanoi.

Playing billiard.

Playing billiard.

A female teacher leads students through the street of Hanoi.

A female teacher leads students through the street of Hanoi.

A roadside barber shop.

A roadside barber shop.

Traffic in the Hanoi Old Quarter.

Traffic in the Hanoi Old Quarter.


Female workers in a bike factory.

Female workers in a bike factory.

A vendor selling brooms, baskets and knives.

A vendor selling brooms, baskets and knives.

A fruit seller.

A fruit seller.

A ferrywoman.

A ferrywoman.

Chicken market.

Chicken market.

A mobile movie screen team is preparing for a new trip to the rural area.

A mobile movie screen team is preparing for a new trip to the rural area.

Checking fighting cocks before the game.

Checking fighting cocks before the game.

Fish traders in Hong Gai market, Quang Ninh province.

Fish traders in Hong Gai market, Quang Ninh province.

The female workers on a ferry in Hong Gai market.

The female workers on a ferry in Hong Gai market.

A coal gleaner at Cam Pha coal mine, Quang Ninh.

A coal gleaner at Cam Pha coal mine, Quang Ninh.

Road workers stopped to watch the young women.

Road workers stopped to watch the young women.

A state-owned factory producing electronics products in Ho Chi Minh City.

A state-owned factory producing electronics products in Ho Chi Minh City.

A private garment enterprise in Ho Chi Minh City.

A private garment enterprise in Ho Chi Minh City.

Track-and-field athletes in training.

Track-and-field athletes in training.

A barbershop.

A barbershop.


A circus rehearsal.

A circus rehearsal.

Incense vendors near a pagoda in Bac Ninh province.

Incense vendors near a pagoda in Bac Ninh province.

Photographers at work in an event.

Photographers at work in an event.

Filming in Bac Ninh.

Filming in Bac Ninh.


The construction workers at a hydroelectric dam.

The construction workers at a hydroelectric dam.

The Circus School in Hanoi.

The Circus School in Hanoi.


Traditional dance.

Traditional dance.

Farmers harvest rice in Tay Ninh province. Tri Thuc Tre

Farmers harvest rice in Tay Ninh province. Tri Thuc Tre

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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