It’s not spontaneity that in this year, the United Nations introduces the message of “The rights for rural women-putting an end to hunger and poverty”. With this message, the U.N Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon calls on the governments, social organizations to make commitments to implementing gender equality and granting the rights to female, especially those from the rural areas.
Cadres of the provincial female federation propagating on enhancing the gender equality for females in Phu Hoa district
According to the U.N, rural female account for 25% of the world population, 43 among the 1.3 billion farmers producing on small scale, and rural female are among the farmers having no land in the rural areas. Meanwhile, the agricultural production does create employment to ensure the life of 86% of females and males in the rural areas. Reality has shown that the majority of Vietnamese rural females have low literacy level, with no professional skills, lacking favorable conditions to get access to information, technical and scientific knowledge, even lacking the care and education towards their off springs…In parallel with that is the process of urbanization, population increase, declined agricultural land, which all cause the serious deficiency of cultivating land. This has led to the harder life of the rural population in general and the female in particular.
In Phu Yen, female labor in general account for more than 50% of the whole laborers. The females directly and significantly join in the producing force. In the past time, the vocational training programs to create employment for the rural inhabitants in the province have helped lots of rural females improve their family economy. However, currently, the situation of lacking jobs is rather common in the localities. To improve family economy, after the harvests, lots of these females have to leave the homeland to seek for jobs in the cities.
In comparison with 20 to 30 years ago, it can be seen that the task of gender equality in Phu Yen has proved certain improvements. In the plan of implementing the national strategy of gender equality in the period of 2011-2020, the provincial board for female progress has paid significant attention to the target of shortening the gap in gender in the profession sector, among which is to enhance the access by poor rural female to the economic sources and labor markets. According to Mrs. Pham Thi Tuong Lai, vice director of the department of labor-war invalids-social welfare, with the function of being the standing office of the provincial board for the female progress, in the coming time, the department is going to coordinate with levels, related sectors to implement the contents in the strategy of the female progress in the period of 2011-2020 into the locality’s and unit’s economic-social development. On that basis, enhancing the participation of females into all of the locality’s political, economic, cultural and social development of the society and units’. Particularly, to ensure the rights to get access to gender equality is one of the significant contents in the task of eradicating poverty and hunger, simultaneously creating opportunities for the females to assert their positions and roles.
Source: Phu Yen Newspaper
Translated by HAI LOAN
Đăng ký: VietNam News