Russia hands over first submarine to Vietnam

Source: Pano feed

(VOV) – Russia has handed over the first of the six Russian built submarines to Vietnam under a project signed in 2009.

A document to this effect was signed in Saint Petersburg on November 7 by Vietnam’s Naval High Command Deputy Commander and Naval Service Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Pham Ngoc Minh and Admiralty Verfi Shipbuilding Company General Director Alexander Buzakov.

Project 636′s diesel-electric submarines are third generations of the famous Vardhavyanka vessels from projects 877 and 877EKM.


With a KILO-class NATO classification, the submarines are renowned for their advanced technology, 20 nautical miles per hour cruising speed, 300m diving capability, and 52-member crew.

The submarines can also integrate cutting-edge weaponry including the Club-K anti-ship missile.

The submarine, dubbed by the US Navy as “black holes in the ocean” will now be transported to Vietnam.

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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