City At Work For Flood Prevention

Source: Pano feed

A session on January 17 with the Danish Hydraulic Institute determined Ho Chi Minh City as one of the top most vulnerable cities affected by climate change.

Heavy rain causes flooding on Minh Phung Street in District 11. (Photo:Sggp)

Heavy rain causes flooding on Minh Phung Street in District 11. (Photo:Sggp)

Seasonal flooding is the biggest problem, said Nguyen Huu Tin, Deputy Chairman of the Municipal People’s Committee.

Local authorities have implemented projects to combat the flooding issue, said Mr. Tin. These include drainage systems along Tau Hu-Ben Nghe, Tan Hoa-Lo Gom, Tham Luong-Ben Cat-Nuoc Len valley. Monetary aid comes from the city, World Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency.

The Danish Hydraulic Institute is an international research and consulting organization dedicated to developing technologies concerned with water resources in coastal areas.

The Department of Transportation in collaboration with the Steering Center of Urban Flood Control and the Danish Hydraulic Institute are working to disperse accurate forecasts, anti-flooding technology, flood control and management, and gathering investments.

Đăng ký: VietNam News