(VOV) – The US Department of Commerce (DOC) on February 19 issued a preliminary decision concluding that Vietnam has dumped steel line pumps used for transporting gas and oil in the US market.
The DOC‘s decision, which subjects Vietnam’s exports to anti-dumping duties, comes on the heels of complaints lodged by US Steel Corporation, Mverick Tube Corporation and Boomerang Tube against Vietnam and eight other countries and territories.
The rate imposed on Vietnam is the highest anti-dumping rate levied on any of the nine nations, which includes the Republic of Korea, India, Turkey, Taiwan (China), Ukraine, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Thailand.
In accordance with the ruling, a special tax rate of 9.57% will impose on Vietnam’s SeAH Steel VINA company exports to the US.
Anti-dumping levies imposed on the RoK – a largest exporter of steel line pumps to the US – will be zero percent and range between 2.65% and 55.29% on other nations.
However, the preliminary ruling is subject to review by the US International Trade Commission and it will issue its final ruling on August 21.
Vietnam ranks third among nations exporting steel line pumps to the US with a turnover reaching over US$110 million in 2013, just after the Republic of Korea and India.
Đăng ký: VietNam News