Archaeological dig unearths secrets below the ground

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A crouched skeleton found in Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

A crouched skeleton found in Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

A 10-year dig by Surrey County Archaeological Unit has unveiled secrets from 10,000 years ago, including two human skeletons thought to be from the Bronze Age

A crouched skeleton found in Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe

Evidence of human remains, ritual offerings and hunter-gatherer activity in Thorpe and Virginia Water have been released after 10 years of excavation work by the Surrey County Archaeological Unit.

Professor Rob Poulton and a team of archaeologists carried out the excavations on two sites – at St Ann’s Heath Junior School, Virginia Water and in Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe.

The two locations, just over a mile apart, became sites of historical interest between 2001 and 2006, and the findings have now been published by the archaeological unit.

“The evidence that lies below the ground will be destroyed with developments,” said Prof Poulton, heritage enterprise man-ager at the unit.

“We try to record as much as possible, this report is a way of recording that,” he said, adding that Surrey has been an especially interesting area for archaeology over the years, particularly with the rise of new developments.

Evidence of an Iron Age (around 2,800 years ago) settlement and earlier activities of the Bronze (4,000 years ago) and Mesolithic Ages (10,000 to 5,500 years ago) were unearthed.

At St Ann’s Heath, 136 fragments of pottery were revealed in a network of ditches, 120 of which were thought to be prehistoric.

Flint work, from the early to mid-Iron Age, including a retouched blade from the Bronze period, was found lying under what is now a a school playing field, while bottle glass from a post-medieval date was also discovered during the dig.

At another site at the school, the team found a number of clues leading to crematory activities, including a middle Bronze Age cremation pit containing burnt flint and burnt bone of a human adult, along with a cup with fingernail impressions.

According to the report, the team deciphered that the vessels found in the pit were likely to be ‘grave goods’ and ritual offerings.

At the Coldharbour Lane site, formerly a quarry, the team discovered evidence of a Bronze Age ring ditch with two human skeletons buried in a shallow, bowl-shaped pit, found in a crouched position.

“It’s interesting when we find human remains,” said Prof Poulton. “People’s reactions vary really but they look so old that it doesn’t have the same resonance.”

The site in Coldharbour Lane is thought to have been a Bronze Age settlement associated with ritual and religious activities, due to the proximity of the area to water and its elevated position.

Evidence of agricultural work from the Roman era was discovered when the archaeological team pulled up a corn dryer and clues of cereal cultivation.

The full report, Prehistoric, Roman and Saxon discoveries near Thorpe and Virginia Water, by Rebecca Lambert, Andrew Margetts and Jane Robertson, is available from SpoilHeap publications or the Surrey History Centre.

By Eleanor Davis

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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