Calculator 2050 helps Vietnam respond to climate change

Source: Pano feed

Vietnam will have a modern tool to measure its greenhouse gas emissions, helping it to effectively respond to climate change, according to the Vietnam Investment Review.

The tool is expected to measure greenhouse gas emissions, helping Vietnam to effectively respond to climate change (Photo: VNA)

The tool is expected to measure greenhouse gas emissions, helping Vietnam to effectively respond to climate change (Photo: VNA)

Last week saw the launching of a project called Calculator 2050 used for calculating the country’s greenhouse gas emissions until 2050.

Calculator 2050, an open-source tool built by the UK and planned to be produced by late this year, will allow anyone with an internet connection to explore how Vietnam can pursue low carbon growth over the coming decades whilst providing enough energy to meet the county’s needs.

Specifically, this tool will help Vietnam measure how far renewables satisfy energy demand in the future, how much fossil fuels will need to be imported in the future.

The tool will also help Vietnam select pathways to achieve the percentage of reduction target, and know whether Vietnam can reduce emissions with high levels of economic growth. Besides, it will also help Vietnam calculate the cost of emissions and the energy supply by 2050.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoIT) and cross-sector experts will work closely with the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to produce a Calculator 2050 version for Vietnam.

DECC is providing nearly 138,000 GBP (230,000 USD) from its International Climate Fund to support the MoIT as well as training and support throughout the project.

The goal is to facilitate a discussion across Vietnam on the low carbon development options available, and to use the results of this work to inform the decisions of policy makers.

“The 2050 Calculator has won many awards in the UK for its ability to engage policy makers and the public around our challenge to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We’re delighted to be able to share this work with the Vietnamese government using UK funds to promote low carbon growth,” British Ambassador to Vietnam Antony Stokes was quoted as saying.

“We look forward to presenting an open source version of the Vietnam 2050 Calculator in 2014, and hope it will make a significant contribution our national debate on green growth and climate change response,” said Nguyen Van Thanh, vice head of the MoIT’s Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency.-VNA

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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