IT Optimization At A Time Of Economic Malaise

Source: Pano feed

By Tieu Nha

In any economic turmoil, there is no place for wastefulness. This is especially true for all businesses as they optimize their existing resources, especially information technology (IT), including management supporting software solutions that help enterprises cut costs. Software application helps businesses not only improve management efficiency and labor use but also minimize operating costs.

Benefits of cloud computing

After launching Google Drive – a file storage and synchronization service using cloud computing, Google has recently introduced “Add-ons” apps for Google Drive. This new service can generate considerable benefits for end-users by storing all files in one place.

As regards applications for businesses, a remarkable number of service software programs in the form of cloud computing have been introduced over the past couple of years. MISA is a pioneer in this aspect. As a supplier of accounting software products in Vietnam, MISA not only puts financial apps in the cloud but also offers a corporate management software program called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for businesses via AMIS.VN. The site helps enterprises embrace comprehensive corporate management solutions and save 30% of costs of other software products.

Advantage of AMIS.VN

AMIS.VN of MISA has included accounting, human resources and sales management software into a unique, connected system. The system enables a business to transfer information from related modules from one user to another, thereby helping standardization among teams in the company, save time, effort and costs, and minimize possible errors in data processing. In addition, working online allows leaders to supervise the operations of their company anytime and anywhere as long as Internet access is available.

Ly Truong Chien, chairman of Tri Tri Group and member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes, said: “A leader’s duty is making decisions. To make a proper decision, a leader must always have updated information. MISA’s AMIS.VN meets such a demand. It helps leaders get comprehensive information from accounting to human resources and sales so that they can make timely decisions.”

Implementation cost will concern enterprises most when it comes to making an investment decision. When launching AMIS.VN, MISA found that users do not need to invest in servers or software installation, upgrade and maintenance. They can make use of modules available at AMIS.VN and pay exactly for data capacity they use. Customers do not have to pay for updates.

Thai Vu Hoe, chairman of BBS Land, said: “AMIS.VN is a perfect product for business management, from financial to personnel and customer management. Moreover, the use of cloud computing keeps us from worrying about losses or disruptions of data whenever we are off or our computers crash due to viruses. We can work anywhere, anytime on any device, and this helps bolster work efficiency.”

AMIS.VN is wholly free of charge for startups while other customers can use it free for a certain period of time. So, users simply register at

Đăng ký: VietNam News