VietNamNet Bridge – Minister of Defense Phung Quang Thanh said that his American counterpart Chuck Hagel would visit Vietnam in November in response to his visit to Hawaii earlier this year.
Mr. Thanh and Mr. Hagel shared the same stance on peace and resolving disputes in the East Sea in the bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue on Saturday morning.
Talking to the press after the meeting, General Thanh said: “We discussed openly, frankly and in the constructive and mutual understanding sprit for the common purpose of preserving peace and stability in the region”.
“The USA is a superpower in Asia-Pacific region,” he added.
Commenting on the tough speech, which bluntly criticized China of taking activities that make instability in the East Sea by Mr. Hagel one-hour earlier, General Thanh said: “I highly appreciate the speech by Minister Hagel. That’s the issue that all nations must have the responsibility to preserve the peaceful and stable environment, respect international law to ensure maritime and aviation security and safety, not take unilateral actions, not to create a fait accompli”.
Minister Thanh said that this content was also mentioned in his speech at the plenary session of the Shangri-La Dialogue on the theme “Control strategic tensions.”
Speaking earlier at the Shangri-La Dilogue in Singapore on Friday, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey accused China of using military power to gain advantage in disputes.
Wall Street Journal quoted Gen. Dempsey as saying that China’s acts of provocation and intimidation is leading the Asia-Pacific region to instability.
Dempsey said Washington wanted to promote the establishment of a code of conduct to minimize confrontations at sea and in the air in the Pacific Ocean.
He also welcomed the efforts of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to expand the role of the Japanese armed forces in the region.
Thanh Nien/The Wall Street Journal/VNN
Đăng ký: VietNam News