(VOV) -With its fraternity, Vietnam is not a threat to security of Cambodia, said spokesperson for the Royal Government of Cambodia Phay Siphan.
“The Government and people of Cambodia has always advocated the protection and development of relations with Vietnam as a result of great efforts in their long struggle for national independencethrough many historical periods. Cambodia resolutely prevents any hostile force from undermining the special solidarity “, PhaySiphan confirmed in a recent interview with a Phnom Penh-based Radio Voice of Vietnam (VOV) correspondent.
Reporter:Could you please tell us about the Cambodian Government’s view on pertubative protests before the Vietnam Embassy in Cambodia, and provocative acts cooking up Vietnamese history and relations between Vietnam and Cambodia?Mr. PhaySiphan:We are resolved not to let a small group of extremists who have no or little understanding of history incite divisive relations between the two nations. We hold the historical legacy that nothing can be separated. For example, in the Declaration on the Cambodia-Vietnam border, Cambodian leaders, including Prime Minister Hun Sen, National Assembly Chairman Heng and Senate President CheaSim expressed their desire to resolve all issues between the two countries by peaceful solutions on the basis of mutual respect.
Security, peace and fine cooperation is lofty goals of both peoples. It is impossible to let a small group of extremists sabotage our sound relations. The Cambodian Government and its people do not support such wrongful acts.
Reporter:What is your opinion about public opinion that is very interested in what hostile forces are backing the provocative acts? Mr. PhaySiphan:Who is behind? Most are run by non-governmental organizations and most disruptive forces involved receive money from outside organizations.
Let the people feel free to make a choice, not by any force or any country outside. We still hope that we can maintain security, peace and stability in Cambodia and Vietnam for our common interests.
Reporter:How will the Cambodian government solve this problem in the future?Mr. PhaySiphan:We will help those extremists and opportunists get a better understanding of the history of Vietnam and Cambodia and international law alike. The Royal Government of Cambodia is determined to comply with international law as well as the laws of their country.
Reporter: Thank you very much.
Đăng ký: VietNam News