Vietnam Active General Rules

Source: Pano feed

2015 can be considered a diplomatic year of Vietnam with the expected conclusion of a series of multilateral and bilateral agreements between Vietnam and countries around the world. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung recently chaired the first plenary session of the National Steering Committee for International Integration to review the activities of international integration in 2014 and work out the orientation for 2015 and the focus of multilateral diplomacy of Vietnam by 2020.

Accordingly, in 2014, the activities of international integration of Vietnam were implemented uniformly and effectively, achieving comprehensive results in all three important pillars including politics, security and defense; economics; and science, education, culture and social affairs. Vietnam’s political international integration was conducted effectively; it had participated actively in the target of the ASEAN Economic Community; responsibly taking part in activities within the framework of the WTO, etc. The international integration of Vietnam on science, education, culture and social affairs also reaped many positive results. In particular, one of the largest diplomatic accents of Vietnam in 2014 was that Vietnam actively and urgently accelerated the negotiation and conclusion of many Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). In 2014, three out of six FTAs under negotiation were basically completed and leaderships of two sides had signed joint declaration on conclusion or toward conclusion of negotiation, including the FTA between Vietnam and the Customs Union of Russia – Belarus – Kazakhstan (VCUFTA), the FTA between Vietnam and the EU (EVFTA) and the FTA between Vietnam and Korea (VKFTA). For the remainders, the Vietnamese government is speeding up the final stages of negotiations, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Bloc.

Also as advised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the upcoming time, Vietnam needed a big adjustment in the integration mindset. Specifically, concerning key tasks in multilateral diplomacy by 2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs proposed the ones that needed to be completed including actively preparing for the successful hosting of big multilateral activities, making an imprint of Vietnam on international ground; proactively contributing to the maintaining of peace and security regionally and internationally; taking part in building a strong ASEAN Community, strengthening and promoting the central role of ASEAN in regional architecture. At the same time, Vietnam also should raise the efficiency of signed FTAs; promoting the conclusion and effective implementation of FTAs projected to be signed in the period 2015-2020; increasing the level of active participation and contribution of Vietnam in mechanisms and forums of multilateral economic cooperation; proactively participating, strengthening our role and effectiveness of cooperation in culture, society, science-technology, education and training and other fields; Besides, Vietnam’s multilateral diplomatic strategy needed to move from the mindset of joining and participation to proactive and positive contribution and proposal of initiatives; strengthening interdisciplinary approach; focusing on sustainable development, etc.

After receiving opinions from the Steering Committee members, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stressed that the government was determined to implement Resolution 22 of the Politburo on international integration through specific action programs. International integration activities in the past two years had been implemented uniformly and achieved many positive results, making practical contribution to the development of the country, especially in creating a favorable environment and resources for development investment and for international support for Vietnam’s stance on national sovereignty. Vietnam had established strategic partnership, comprehensive partnership and diplomatic relations with most countries in the world, contributing actively to the promotion of economic, scientific, technological, cultural and educational development.

However, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung also candidly pointed out shortcomings that needed to be removed. That was the slowness in grasping and implementing international integration; the fact that a number of ministries and localities lacked proper awareness of international integration and not being proactive enough; propaganda was inefficient; collaboration among sectors remained inactive and ineffective; post international commitment’s implementation could not realise all opportunities and potential.

The Prime Minister also emphasized the government view market opening as inevitable, while one-dimensional self-protection inhibited the growth. The Prime Minister pointed out that restrictions had both pros and cons, we struggled and protected to safeguard the interests of domestic parties, that was necessary and not wrong but it’s crucial to carefully analyze and decide which field to open gradually to promote innovation, improve productivity, efficiency and competitiveness to develop in the market economy. Now we must compete. Obviously, integration required roadmaps and interest calculation, but opening was inevitable; protection was only slow down the development. In addition, the Prime Minister also made a point that in the process of integration, ministries, departments and other parties should focus on the legal aspect; actively promoting communication; promoting overseas Vietnamese intelligence who are intellectuals as well as strengthening the national unity. The motto of Vietnam when going into the global playground was that we would not only participate in the activities of multilateral diplomacy, but must continue to proactively propose initiatives and participate in the building of general rules, it would help improve the role and status of Vietnam, at the same time serving the national interest, associating with active implementation of international treaties in parallel with domestic legalisation.

Anh Phuong

Đăng ký: VietNam News