Young Hanoians conserve energy

Source: Pano feed

(VOVworld) – Each year Earth Hour carries a different message but always targets a green and clean planet and raises people’s awareness of energy conservation. This year’s Earth Hour themed “Energy saving – responding to climate change” has received positive response from young Hanoians through dozens of activities. Thu Hang reports:


Many activities have been carried out in response to the Earth Hour program since early March. At 8:30 PM on March 22, a week prior to the official Earth Hour, thousands gathered at August Revolution Square in Hanoi to attend a one-hour turn-off-the-lights ceremony. All electric lights were switched off and replaced by candle light. The crowds, holding candles, formed Vietnam’s S-shaped map, stars, and flowers. Nguyen Bich Phuong, a student at the Academy of Journalism and Communication, said: “I hope that other students will conserve energy as a way to minimize the impact of climate change. Together, let’s build a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful Earth.”


The 2015 Earth Hour campaign in Hanoi has inspired a poster design contest on the theme of environmental protection and energy conservation. The contest received 500 entries, demonstrating young people’s readiness to spread environment messages in the community. Nguyen Viet Hung, a student at the Hanoi Electric Power University, said: “I found this contest very meaningful as it deals with environmental protection and energy conservation.”


The Earth Hour campaign aims to rally the community to save energy in response to climate change. Thuy Van, Goodwill Ambassador of Vietnam’s Earth Hour campaign, said: “The theme of last year’s Earth Hour was Blue Sky. Perhaps the theme “Green Earth Hour” is most memorable. It’s essential that we remember to save energy because we use it everyday. Communication is important to make people realize what should be done in response to climate change.”

Bicycle parades through major streets in Hanoi are part of this year’s Earth Hour campaign. Riders carry messages calling for coordinated action to fight climate change. Nguyen Huy Minh of Thanh Xuan district said Earth Hour 2015 calls for energy conservation not just for an hour but regularly. He said this one hour is for each of us to review what we have done over the last year and think of what we should do together for the earth in the future. The official Earth Hour will begin in Hanoi at 8:30 PM on March 28.

Thu Hang

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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