Benefits from planting pepper under GlobalGAP standard

Source: Pano feed

Orientating to clean products, enhancing the production value, limiting environmental pollution, influencing the health of both producers and consumers…are the targets headed by pepper planters through applying the models of planting pepper under GlobalGAP standard.

Planting pepper under GlobalGAP standard at Mr. Nong's household.Planting pepper under GlobalGAP standard at Mr. Nong’s household.

Recently, some pepper planting households in Tay Hoa district have applied the criteria in producing, harvesting under GlobalGAP Standard, which is called good global agricultural producing practice. The focus of VietGAP standard is food safety and seeking source, simultaneously ensuring the health, welfare of the laborers and protecting the environment. Therefore, once some agricultural products are acknowledged to meet the criteria. According many pepper planting households, the proportion of fruits harvested when planting under VietGAP standard is higher than that of other normal pepper planters and when business time comes, the possibility of higher productivity is from 10% to 15% higher than normal planting method. Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Hong in Son Thanh Tay commune let known: when planting under GlobalGAP standard, we have to check and supervise food safety through the preparation for cultivating to harvesting, processing and preserving. Such natural conditions as land, water supplying sources also have to ensure to be among the permitted list, mainly the kinds with safe organic sources for users…

During the producing process, we have to closely follow and record every step in the diaries. Particularly, when applying the pepper planting under this standard, the pepper plants are installed with irrigating system, fertilizing and drugs automatically and watering drop by drop; with the drainage system in order to prevent over flooding in pepper garden. As for Mr. Nguyen Tien Phuong, who also plants pepper under GlobalGAP, let known: “Because each pepper plant is installed with watering line at the root, the watering has to be done collectively, for the right target, to be economical without scattering, limiting weeds in gardens, so the caring is also much limited”. With the positive efficiency brought about by GlobalGAP, currently, many pepper planters in Tay Hoa district have been learning.

According to Tay Hoa district Division of Agriculture and Rural Development, the entire district has about 500ha of pepper, and 10ha of which has been invested planting under GlobalGAP standard. With the positive efficiency brought about by planting pepper under GlobalGAP standard, many pepper planting households are really interested in learning to follow suit, which is a very positive and promising signal for the locality’s pepper plants because once being acknowledged to meet GlobalGAP standard, Phu Yen province’s pepper product will gradually create the brand name, have ample conditions to compete with other products once exporting. The production and trading value of pepper will be enhanced, profits for farmers will also be considerably enhanced.

Source: Phu Yen Newspaper

Translated by HAI LOAN

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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