The Prime Minister has just approved the Strategy for sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources and protection of the marine environment by 2020, with a vision to 2030. The overall objective of the Strategy is to better understand of the sea, the potential advantages as well as the adverse impacts from sea; to promote exploitation and use of natural resources in a sustainable manner; preserve the quality of the sea water; to maintain ecological functions and biological productivity of marine ecosystems. The Strategy contributes to implementing successfully the Vietnam’s Sea Strategy up to 2020 .
One of the tasks of the Strategy is to study and survey natural resources and the marine environment including making the overall planning, organizing surveys and studies to clarify the possibilities of natural hazards, including hazards and geodynamic hazards related to the environmental incidents and disasters. In regards to mineral resources, the Strategy will focus on investigating and evaluating potentialities of Ilmenite – zircon, rare earth and other precious metals along the coastline and shallow waters. Other tasks of the strategy are to develop the forecast capacity, disaster warnings, assess impact of climate change on the seas. To implement the Strategy, co-management, the exploitation right and benefit from waters along the coastline and islands based on the market approach will be established.
Van Trang
Đăng ký: VietNam News