VietNamNet Bridge – At 2.30pm, the first people were invited into the house at No. 30 Hoang Dieu Street, Hanoi to pay tribute to the legendary general.
A street musician is playing "Martyr Soul" in front of General Vo Nguyen Giap's house.
Each 100 people standing in line quietly moved into the house, to the altar of the General. Many of them stopped for a while to write down their feelings in a notebook placed on the table near the door.
Several hours ago, hundreds of people waited outside the house. The 200 meter road outside were crowded with people who holding flowers and incenses in their hands.
The house of the Great General will be opening to the public from the afternoon of October 6 to 11. This unprecedented decision came after hundreds of people flocked to the house of the General to offer flowers, incenses and burned candles from the night of October 4 to the morning of October 6.
Last night, General Giap’s son and daughter were present at the house’s door to thank people’s sentiments for their father. The house would have been opened from today’s morning but the preparation took some more time so the people could only begin paying tribute to the General from this afternoon.
Đăng ký: VietNam News
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