Jessica Trinh, a talented young pet photographer whose golden retriever Chuppy passed away, has released a beautiful series of images of shelter dogs that will make your heart melt.
The images in her “Let It Rain Love” project are all adorable and sweet, but there’s more to it than that. By taking beautiful portraits of shelter dogs, Trinh aims to give each of them a fighting chance at being adopted. If there’s anything that will increase the chances of someone visiting a shelter and adopting a dog, it’s one of Trinh’s beautiful photos.
“I wanted to give back to the community. My dogs have changed my life and I wanted more dogs to help people change their lives so I felt it to be appropriate to start a new project,” Trinh writes on her site. “I hope this project enlightens everyone on the story of a shelter dog and not only makes people think twice about giving up a dog, but gives these beautiful shelter dogs a chance for a new home with love.”
This project, says Trinh, was inspired by her own rescued dog, Daisy. “She has changed my entire life for the better. This project is inspired by her and I want to thank her for that because I believe this project will give a new meaning to my photography.”
Trinh is not the only photographer to use her skills to help shelter dogs find homes – Sarolta Ban, a talented photographer from Hungary, also created a series of images with a similar goal in mind. They are both worth taking a look at!
Đăng ký: VietNam News