VietNamNet Bridge – It is possible to evacuate a family, a community, or even an entire region. But it is impossible to evacuate a whole country. There is only one path for Vietnamese to follow: being steadfast, staying sober-minded, and mobilizing the whole nation’s intelligence to protect its peaceful life.
When the fatherland is in danger, all Vietnamese hearts feel pain, while all Vietnamese heads think about what they need to do to protect the sacred homeland.
VietNamNet would like to share some thoughts of Tran Dang Tuan, a journalist, and former Deputy Editor in Chief of Vietnam National Television, about the issue.
With the Chinese deployment of oil rig HD 981 in the East Sea, no one can remain sanguine about the dangers Vietnam may have to face in this tough period of history.
Vietnam has justice and Vietnamese hope that those who respect reason will share sympathy and give support to Vietnam.
However, in this world, which has been torn by the fights for interests and influence, Vietnam needs to take care of itself and protect itself to be able to stand firmly on its feet.
The author of the book “The World is Flat” is now in Vietnam. And while talking about the East Sea tensions, he mentioned a familiar image – a sheaf of chopsticks.
The nations that love peace and justice, like separated chopsticks, need to join together in a sheaf of chopsticks to protect themselves and protect each other. And if these nations cannot do this immediately, then the people of every nation need to do that to exist.
A sheaf of chopsticks is a truly meaningful image for Vietnamese. They believe that while one chopstick can easily be broken, a sheaf of chopsticks cannot. Separated individuals will be defeated, but united people will not yield.
In order to maintain peace, and preserve the right to live and develop, there is only one path the nation must follow: reinforcing its inner strength. Only with powerful internal force can Vietnam avoid conflict, something that it never wants to meet in its path of development.
It’s necessary to change our mind. The “middle-income trap” is not the biggest threat. If we do not make every effort today, we will face an even greater danger: we will not be able to preserve the independence and peaceful lives of our children and grandchildren. Our shortcomings will not only make us lag behind others, but will also threaten the existence of the country.
Think about all the things Vietnamese can do to reinforce the inner strength. Don’t think about what we should say, but about concrete measures, so that all Vietnamese, from scientists to businessmen, workers or students can devote their abilities to the fatherland, not to be hindered by the insensitivity of the unreasonable mechanisms and the people sponging on those mechanisms.
In the world, there are the small countries, situated in the spirals of conflict, but which still can stand firm and not be bullied by anyone. This is because they can mobilize the strength of the whole nation to successfully develop their economies, invent advanced technologies, mobilize elite armies and organize the societies.
Corruption, embezzlement, special interests, lack of transparency and democracy, and irresponsibility all existing. Vietnamese have to pay for these not only with slow development, but with peaceful lives for our next generations as well.
Vietnamese should understand that the country will suffer more than the depletion of funds for careless works. They need to clarify what they need and what the priorities are.
Should we spend trillions of dong on an event to “polish the Vietnamese image” or spend the money to buy more ships and strengthen the sea police to help fishermen maintain their daily livelihoods?
The power of national defense lies in the army, weapons and international relations.
However, that power originates from the villages, where farmers can feel secure to plough their fields; from the industrial zones, where investors and workers feel that their benefits are protected; from the scientific research which can get support to be brought into life; from the good schooling environment, where there is no violence.
The power of national defense also originates from the offices, where workers can be respected; from the hospitals, where patients can receive sympathy from fellow humans; from the tourist sites, where foreign travelers are not overcharged, but served well and respected. And on top of that, the power can be built by the people, who can be their own masters and believe that they can contribute their efforts to make life more beautiful.
Tran Dang Tuan
Đăng ký: VietNam News