Protocol of cooperation between Hanoi and Toulouse city

Source: Pano feed

The Hanoitimes – For many years, Hanoi – the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has cooperated with Toulouse, the capital of the Midi-Pyrénées region of the Republic of France in the field of preservation and promoting the values of the Old Quarter of Hanoi.


Hanoi and Toulouse signed comprehensive cooperation

Mr. Dominique Baudis, Toulouse City Mayor and Mr. Hoang Van Research, Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee established the cooperation in 1996. Friendship relationship has been constantly strengthened by expanding exchanges in the fields of culture, economy and sustainable urban development.

With the desire to expand relations of friendship and cooperation between Hanoi and Toulouse, the two cities suggested signing new cooperation agreements to further diversify relations and cooperation between the two cities .

This cooperative relations on the basis of the principle of symmetry, bringing benefits and results for two different cities. The two cities agreed to cooperate in the following areas:

Article 1: Strengthening cultural exchanges

On the basis of cultural events to be held in two cities in the framework of the 40th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between France and Vietnam, the two cities will strengthen partnerships and exchanges in the field of teaching and training of art, creation and exchange of artists and artistic creations of two cities under the cooperation process long-term sustainable development.

In addition, initiatives to develop joint work of the two cities will be supported, particularly in the areas of:

– Music and dance;

– Street art and circus arts;

– Traditional culture and popular;

– Teaching art and culture

Article 2: Cooperation and conservation of the Old Quarters

Continuing exchanges, support conservation and restoration of Hanoi’s Old Quarter, especially in the planning of public spaces and promote the value of cultural heritage intangible.

Thus, after the activities related to the construction “Cultural Exchange Center Hanoi Old Quarter” at 50 Dao Duy Tu connection with activities in the same company as 87 points Ma, 38 Hang Dao 28 Every Sails, 42 Hang Bac Street, Hanoi and Toulouse City will continue to implemtent project promoting the value of Lan Ong street drugs by studying preserved traditional activities. Toulouse’s specialized firms will be facilitated to participate in this project.

At the same time, the two cities will cooperate on advocacy, unity, counseling people in the resettlement of people in the Old Quarter of Hanoi.

Article 3: The project on sustainable urban development

The two cities will be interested in the following projects:

– Pilot project on sustainable urban development: Support project planning and design of urban roads Ton Duc Thang – Nguyen Trai, connecting with the ancient urban important ring road of Ha Dong and the Ha Tay province. Roads run through universities and other densely populated areas.

– Introduce a policy of urban traffic planning municipal scale deployment combines a number of pilot projects in a neighborhood traffic share.

Article 4: Exchanges in the field of higher education and promoting the French language

Universities of Toulouse pledges cooperation through many exchange projects. The city will continue to promote these achievements and will allow further expansion receiving exchange students in the two cities.

In the future, The city will continue to connect training project at the University with the co-operation activities between the two cities, in which Jean Jaurès Toulouse University, School of Architecture National University Toulouse (ENSAT) is partnering with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi (USSH) and the University of Hanoi Architecture (UAH).

Research supports the exchange of Francophone university training and research centers around the field “Heritage and culture” in Vietnam and Hanoi (Develop and monitor student internship in Hanoi and Toulouse , and guide the implementation of research-based workshop content cooperation between Hanoi and Toulouse).

Article 5: Exchanges in the field of economics

Hanoi and Toulouse, with the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce, will create favorable conditions for businesses from both cities met to develop activities in the field of aeronautics, space, transport, agriculture food industry and health. The two cities will support the promotion of tourism development and exchange in the field of aviation, digital, health-food and agriculture to enhance working relationships in general economic activity and the double mutual benefit. This will create relationship on economic exchange and cultural exchange.

In the economic field, Toulouse city supported by Urban Community of Toulouse – competent authorities and capabilities in this field, will be looking for different sources of financing, especially financing countries to deploy.

Toulouse City will establish relations with the competitive advantage to create favorable conditions for the exchange process in the field of research.

Article 6: Creating favourable conditions for Hanoi to participate in the forums Toulouse international cooperation and European projects.

Toulouse city hosted Vietnam Friendship Group of the Alliance of France and Hanoi will join researchers the ability to develop exchange relationships between the cities of France to the city from the perspective of Vietnam mutually beneficial weed the fields of economic development, technical, social, cultural and expand international cooperation. Hanoi will also support the city of Toulouse can meet other Asian cities. The two cities will study the possibility of participating in the event relationship network of the two cities.

At the same time, two cities may also join together the program of European cooperation or non-cooperation projects focusing on the period 2014-2020, on the basis of collected information to build profiles invited part of the project and coordinated implementation of the project.

Article 7: Developing a written agreement to seek funding for the partnership

The two cities will sign the documents specifying content, bulid up financial records and other conditions to develop the contents of the written agreement.

According to the above terms, the two cities will jointly study and search for financial partners from the financial resources of both state and private-scale city, regional, national, European and internationally.

The two cities will be able to establish a partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD) to develop joint projects.

Article 8: Effective written agreement

A written agreement will be implemented over 6 years and can be edited or supplemented by mutual agreement.

After written consent passed by Toulouse City Council through June 20, 2014, the contents of the above terms will be put into practice.

Signed in Toulouse, June 11, 2014, the document was made in two copies in French and Vietnamese having the same value.

Huyen Trang

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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