Royal HaskoningDHV Vietnam and Safe, Prosperous, Sustainable Mekong Delta

Source: Pano feed


“With our diverse experience and integrated approach, Royal HaskoningDHV is capable to support the strategic co-operation between Vietnam and the Netherlands“, expressed Mr Lars Crombach, Managing Director of Royal HaskoningDHV in a talk with Vietnam Business Forum. Le Phuong reports.How has Royal HaskoningDHV’s expertise and experience contributed to the Vietnam market? What would you like to share about the Vietnam-Netherlands’ relationship and how it will be strengthened by strategic cooperation on governmental level, for example by the Dutch Prime Minister’s visit to Vietnam this June?

Vietnam and the Netherlands have a long history together, going back even before the official diplomatic relations since 1973. Many of the older Vietnamese remember Dutch entrepreneurs or companies supporting Vietnamese communities even before 1973, by for example constructing dams and sluices in rural areas. Many Vietnamese therefore see The Netherlands as a trustworthy and supportive partner.

With the current need in Vietnam for diversification of the energy supply to reduce the chance of being affected by global changes, surrounded and dependent on regional ‘larger’ economies and pressured by climate change, the Dutch government plays an important role in supporting the use of Dutch know-how in these fields. With the FDI policies changing in Vietnam, there are increasing possibilities for Dutch businesses and further strategic cooperation.

The Mekong Delta Plan is the result of close cooperation between the governments of the Netherlands and Vietnam, how did Royal HaskoningDHV become involved in this plan?

The governments of Vietnam and the Netherlands have a strategic partnership arrangement on climate change adaptation and water management. Within this framework Royal HaskoningDHV has won a tender from the Dutch government as the leading partner in a consortium with Wageningen University, Rebel and Deltares. The consortium has established a long-term vision (until 2100) and a strategic advice for a safe, prosperous and sustainable Mekong delta, in which a strategic action plan is prepared to respond to climate change and sea-level rise towards 2050 in the Mekong delta.

What is the main driver behind the Mekong Delta Plan and how it is formulated?

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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