The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs’ Circular 03, which takes effect from March, has met with unfavourable feedback from the public as it set high standards for foreigners who want to work in Viet Nam.
According to the circular, to come to work in Viet Nam as specialist, a foreigner should have a university degree or above and have at least five years of experience in the area that he/she plans to work in Viet Nam.
The circular is easier on “technical workers” (there is no definition of “technical worker” provided), but requires them to have finished technical training programmes of at least a year and have spent at least three years working in a technical area that they plan to work in Viet Nam.
Representatives of companies recently told the local press that they had difficulty bringing international specialists to Viet Nam to fill in positions because the “challenging” circular.
The circular, meant to limit the arrival of illegal and low skilled workers from overseas in Viet Nam is said to be hindering the employment of specialists who want to contribute to Viet Nam’s development.
What do you think of the policy? Have you had any difficulty employing new workers or finding a job in Viet Nam because of the regulation? How do you think Viet Nam should do to limit the arrival of low skilled workers while still encouraging skilled experts to the country?
Please reply by email to:, or by fax to (84-4) 3 933 2311. Letters can be sent to The Editor, Viet Nam News, 79 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Ha Noi. Replies to next week’s questions must be received by Thursday morning, July 17, 2014.
Đăng ký: VietNam News