Navy holds commemoration for comrades sacrificing for the first victory

Source: Pano feed

PANO – The Navy organized a ceremony on August 3rd at Cua Luc waters in Quang Ninh province to commemorate heroes, martyrs and people who had sacrificed their lives for the first victory of the Navy on August 2nd and 5th, 1964 in the presence of Admiral Nguyen Van Hien, Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chief of the Navy.

Incenses offered to the fallen comrades

Incenses offered to the fallen comrades

50 years ago, US invaders launched a war of destruction in North Vietnam using planes and warships with an aim to block reinforcement from the North to the South of Vietnam and to weaken the high determination of our troops and people to liberate South Vietnam and to reunite the country.

To spoil that target, the Vietnam People’s Navy had teamed with Northern troops and people to proactively, creatively and bravely drive US destroyer Maddox out of Vietnam’s waters and shoot down 8 US aircraft. That first victory demonstrated the whole-nation’s spiritual and political strength and participants’ strong will.

In the solemn and respectful atmosphere, delegates recalled the brilliant feats of arms of their previous generations and expressed deep gratitude to them.

Flowers released to commemorate the fallen troops and people

Flowers released to commemorate the fallen troops and people

In his speech delivered at the ceremony, Rear Admiral Dinh Gia That, Commissar of the Navy stressed that their comrades’ bones and blood had contributed to the national liberation and pointed out that the spirit of “daring to combat, determined to combat and knowing how to win victory” of the first victory has become an invaluable spiritual support for naval troops in particular and the entire army and people in general in the cause of national construction and protection.

Rear Admiral Dinh Gia That held that the current complicated developments in the East Sea posed new and heavier tasks for the Navy. Facing such situation, the Navy should continue improving its troops’ profession, combat readiness ability to resolutely protect the national sovereignty and maintain peace and stability at sea and on islands to create best conditions for national development.

Translated by Mai Huong

Đăng ký: VietNam News