319 literary and artistic works about Hai Duong women composed

Source: Pano feed

The works’ content focused on praising Hai Duong women’s traditional moral values and virtues developed, preserved, and promoted through many generations.

The Hai Duong Provincial Women‘s Union on October 20 afternoon wrapped up and awarded prizes of the literary – artistic work composing contest themed ” Hai Duong women – Self-confident, self-respectful, loyal and grateful, and responsible “.

After nearly seven months of launching (from March 8, 2014 to September 30, 2014), the Organizing Board have received 319 works, consisting of 278 poems, 35 musical pieces, and nine small works.

The works’ content focused on praising Hai Duong women’s traditional moral values and virtues developed, preserved, and promoted through many generations.

26 works by 21 authors were awarded prizes by the Organizing Board.

First prize of the poetical genre went to a series of three pieces of poem, namely “Hai Duong girls“, “Mother”, and “Seeing husband off for island keeping“, by author Bui Ba Tuan (Chairman of the Provincial Poem Club).

Two pieces of “Singing about Hai Duong women” (song) and “How beautiful women of our native land are” (Cheo (traditional operetta) singing) by author Khuc Kim Tinh (Provincial Association for Protection of Disabled People and Orphans) and the song “How beautiful the Hai Duong girl is” by author Ngoc Cuong (Provincial Cultural Center) shared the second prize in the music category (no first prize).

Author Tran Phuong Hanh (Provincial Cultural Center) grabbed a second prize (no first prize) for two small works of “Love in life” and “Mother’s heart”.


Đăng ký: VietNam News

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