Military unit holds combat martial arts competition

Source: Pano feed

PANO – Military Zone 5 kick-started the 2014 unarmed combat martial arts competition for nearly 300 scouts and commandos on November 7th at Defence Physical Training and Sports Centre 3.

Practitioners competing in 9 weight divisions under sparring form

Practitioners competing in 9 weight divisions under sparring form

Participants, from 15 teams of 11 military commands of cities and provinces and the zone’s Staff, Divisions 2 and 315, will compete in nine weight divisions under sparring form.

To ensure just and evaluate properly training quality of units, the zone has closely checked the weights of the competitors and asked coaches to heighten their responsibilities.

The four-day event aims to enhance combat martial arts in units and to select the best athelets for the coming whole-army competition.

Translated by Ngoc Bich

Đăng ký: VietNam News

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