To launch the Youth Month in 2014

Source: Pano feed

Representative of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group presented 120 mill. VND for breeding cows

Representative of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group presented 120 mill. VND for breeding cows

​In the morning of 1st March, the Provincial Youth Union in collaboration with Youth Union of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group launched and responded to the Youth Month 2014 with the participation of Mr. Dang Quoc Toan, Secretary of Central Youth Union Committee, Mr. Tran Ngoc Dan, Chief of Public Relations Department Party Committee, Mr. Le Quang Thich – Vice Chairman of PPC and more than 1,000 youths in the provincial area.

​The Youth Month 2014 is launched with the theme of “Quang Ngai Youths with their role for community life, jointly build new rural, urban civilization” aiming to create the breakthrough for the youth movement for social activities. It has been an honor, pride of the youths and also the great responsibility assigned by the Party and State.

“Activities that are carried out in the Youth month will light up the “volunteer flame” in each union member and the youths. Thereby, the role of the youths is enhanced in participating in socio-economic development, poverty-alleviation, ensuring the social security. The youths are also the force linking human resources to the construction of urban civilization and new rural” Ms. Ha Thi Anh Thu, Secretary of Provincial Youth Union said at the event.

After the ceremony, many voluntary activities were implemented such as blood donation, providing free check-up and treatment and rice gruel to poor patients, helping people to build compassion houses; propagandizing to use E5 bio gasoline and ensure traffic safety throughout the province.

Also on this occasion, benefactors granted money for construction of compassion houses and boarding houses, bicycles for studious students and breeding cows for poor families.

Tri Nguyen

Đăng ký: VietNam News