Some deputies said the law should set out in detail how culpable officials should pay compensation for making investment decisions that cause huge losses to the State budget.
HA NOI (VNS) — Full-time National Assembly deputies agreed yesterday that officials should be forced to compensate for losses that stem from wrong decisions taken in public investment projects.
In a discussion on the Draft Law on Public Investment chaired by NA Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, the deputies acknowledged the need for clear performance criteria that can assess the success or failure of an investment project.
Some deputies said the law should detail how culpable officials should pay compensation for making the final investment decision that causes huge losses to the state budget or results in poor performance.
Truong Van Vo of Dong Nai Province said the law should specify criteria on investment efficiency and responsibility of the designing and consulting firms.
The head of an authorised agency that made the final decision leading to losses and/or poor performance should be held responsible, punished and asked to compensate, said Ngo Van Minh of Da Nang.
The deputies also agreed on ensuring the people’s oversight on project implementation, with Minh saying those drafting the law should set out how the community at large can monitor public investment projects through their representatives and other avenues.
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said projects or programmes having widespread economic impacts nation-wide or on a particular locality must get the Government’s approval prior to making any investment decision.
Do Van Duong of Ho Chi Minh City said the Law on Public Investment should dovetail with relevant provisions of the Anti – Corruption Law and the Law on Thrift and Fighting Waste.
Duong also called for the law to include supervisory roles in project implementation. — VNS
Đăng ký: VietNam News