Social media should confirm govt network sites are real, says senior official

Source: Pano feed


Social media users should be suspicious of sites purporting to belong to the Vietnamese government, the Party or state leaders, warned Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Truong Minh Tuan.

Social network sites have become more popular in Vietnam

“In reality, lots of social network sites with the name of Vietnamese party, state and government leaders have been opened without the knowledge of the alleged host,” Tuan said.

Tuan said users should confirm the legitimacy of information carried on social media.

Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien maintains a FaceBook page. Tuan said her purpose was to provide official information and gather public comment on the health issues, and officials should take advantage of social media to enhance information exchange with the public.

But users of such pages should confirm they are real. Tien made an official announcement of her page and its purposes, and users could rely on what is posted as being correct.

Đăng ký: VietNam News