Vietnam, Australia to enhance comprehensive partnership

Source: Pano feed

During Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s official visit to Australia, the two sides issued a declaration on strengthening the Vietnam-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which was established on September 7, 2009.

The declaration is designed to build upon achievements, expand and deepen the strong relationship between Vietnam and Australia and implement principles to bring benefits to the region.

The declaration creates a framework for promoting cooperation between the two countries in five key fields.

Firstly, in bilateral cooperation, Vietnam and Australia recognize the importance of high-leval political dialogues in order to promote bilateral cooperation. The two countries will continue to boost high-ranking delegation exchanges and working-level dialogues between the Vietnamese Communist Party, Government and National Assembly with Australia’s key political parties, Government and Parliament. The two countries share joint interests in regional peace and security and pledge to continue dialogues and cooperation in defence, security, navigation and aviation safety in the region, law enforcement and the fight against trans-national crimes.

Vietnam and Australia commit to strengthening links between the two countries’ people through promoting cooperation in culture, sports and tourism.

They affirm to expand their cooperation in science, education, vocational training and laws and justice, as well as in environmental protection and climate change response, natural resources, finance, media, and consular issues.

Regarding regional and international cooperation, Vietnam and Australia recognise that their security and prosperity are in close association with stability in the Indian and Pacific Oceans region. They affirm to cooperate at regional forums to continue developing an assistance structure for security, stability and cooperation while promoting measures to build trust and minimize risks of conflict in the region.

The two countries will cooperate on cementing regional structures, including the East Asian Summit and those in which the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations plays a central role, to promote peace, stability, and regional security. The two countries also commit to close cooperation at the United Nations (UN) in promoting issues of shared interests and improving the effectiveness of the UN institution.

Vietnam and Australia affirm the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region, ensuring navigation and aviation security, safety and freedom, the observance of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ( UNCLOS ) in 1982, not using force nor threatening to use force. They call on parties to restrain and refrain from any action that can escalate tension in the region. The two countries also agree on the urgent need to create a Code of Conduct in the East Sea.

For cooperation in economic growth and trade and industrial development, the two sides will develop and promote bilateral trade and investment relations in key sectors, taking into account that Vietnam’s and Australia’s economies are complementary. They commit to boosting cooperation and make efforts to early complete negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ( RCEP ).

In the field of development cooperation, Australia recognises Vietnam’s remarkable achievements in poverty alleviation since the 1990’s and its current development goals and will continue supporting Vietnam in implementing its Socio-Economic Development Strategy (2011-2020). The two countries will maintain annual dialogues on development assistance.

Regarding cooperation on defence, law enforcement and security, Vietnam and Australia will continue holding dialogues and cooperation on defence and security through existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, while going forward with joint activities aviation and maritime security, peacekeeping, anti-terrorism and issues relating to war consequences.

The two countries commit to boosting cooperation in fighting trans-national crime in the region, including human and drug trafficking, laundering, and high-tech crimes.

They recognise other challenges such as food security, natural resources management, and disease and disaster risks, and intend to cooperate to solve these challenges within the bilateral framework and international forums.-VNA

Đăng ký: VietNam News